Am & Can Ch Penaire’s Commodore – “Sailor”

Owners/Breeders: Joan and Bill Clarke
Whelped: 6/14/04


AmCanCh Regalridge Leader of the Pack Ch Regalridge’s Piece O The Rock Tartan Hook ‘Em Horns Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Tartans Fancy Miss
Ch Regalridge Stellar Attraction Ch Tartan Southern Chieftan
Ch Regalridge Watch a Rising Star
Regalridg’s Magic Moment Ch Tartans Oil Patch Rob Roy Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Tartans Oil Patch Star
CanCh Regalridge Word of Caution AmCh Tartan Southern Chieftain
CanCh Regalridge Steel Magnolias
AmCanCh Penaire Lonestar Cowgirl Ch Serendipity Terrydale HK X-F Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady
Ch Serendipity Rejoices EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Serendipitys Hosanna
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Ch Tartan Skyy King O Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss

Multiple BIS Am & Can Ch Penaire Dallas Star – “Dallas”

BIS Am & Can Ch Penaire Dallas Star – “Dallas”

DOB: May 13, 1997 – June 21, 2010
Sex: Female
OFA: Good
AKC Reg. # RM20746002
Sire: Ch Spindletop’s New Kid In Town RM4648102
Dam: Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina RM10952201

Robin x Dallas, January 16, 2001
Simon x Dallas, April 26, 2003

Am & Can Ch Penaire Prince of Egypt
Am & Can Ch Penaire Belle Star
Ch Penaire Prince of the City
Am & Can Ch Penaire North Star
Am & Can BIS GR Ch Penaire Star Struck at Woodcrest
Ch Penaire Bright Star

Dallas was the epitome of a show dog and we delighted in her wonderful spunk and fabulous career, spanning over 11 years — from a top winning puppy in 1997 to becoming the #2 Airedale in the US in 1999 and then on to a top winning Veteran. She had multiple group wins and 7 Best In Shows.

Her retirement was filled with many happy hours walking on Second Peninsula in NS and Blue Heron in VA and lying on her favorite LLBean Bean Bag waiting for 4:00PM –“dinner time.”
Dallas gave so much to Penaire and we miss her dearly!!

1997 – Best Puppy in Show
1998 – Best in Sweeps, Montgomery, Best of Winners, Devon, and owner handled.
1999 – Westminster, Best of Opposite Sex, #1 Airedale Bitch in Canada.
2000- Montgomery: Award of Merit
2002- National Specialty, Denver, CO, Best of Opposite Sex
2004- Montgomery: Best Veteran, Award of Merit
2006- ATCA National Specialty:
– Best Veteran, Best of Opposite Sex
– Ladies 100th Anniversary Specialty: Best Veteran, Award of Merit
– Framingham District All Breed Show National Specialty Weekend
– Best Veteran In Show – Boston, MA
2007- Montgomery: Best Veteran and Award of Merit (at 10 years old)

Ch Spindletops New Kid in Town Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Terrydale Spindletop Layla EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Terrydales Lone Star Lady, CD Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Tartan Skyy King O’Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Tartan Southern Fancy
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss AmCan Ch Tartan Texas Ranger
Tartans Fancy of Tanworth

Dallas winning Puppy Group 1

Dallas winning Best in Sweepstakes at Montgomery 1998 (Airedale National Specialty)

Dallas winning Best of Opposite Sex at Westminster 1999

Dallas winning Best of Opposite Sex at the National Specialty 2002

Dallas winning Best Veteran at Montgomery 2004 (Airedale National Specialty)

Dallas winning Best Veteran at Montgomery 2006 (Airedale National Specialty)

Dallas Career Wins Ad
ATA Ad Remembering Dallas

Am & Can Ch Penaire Prince of Egypt – “Moses”

Breeder: Joan and Bill Clarke
Owners: Bill and Joan Clarke
Whelped: 1/16/01







Ch Reydale Prince of Thieves Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Star Bliss Minerva Eng Am Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Darbywoods Angel Fire Ch Bravo Star Buck
Ch Darbywoods Eye of the Tiger
Ch Penaire Dallas Star Ch Spindletops New Kid in Town Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady
Ch Terrydale Spindletop Layla EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Terrydales Lone Star Lady, CD
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Ch Tartan Skyy King O’Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss

Moses, MKipp, GReyes, SGilbert

Moses wins Reserve Winners Dog at the Airedale Terrier Club of America-Montgomery County 2001 from the 6 – 9 Month Puppy Class.

Breeder/Judge: Mareth Kipp
Handled by Gerardo Reyes

Moses also won the ATCA 6 – 9 Month Puppy Sweepstakes Class
Breeder/Judge:  Anne Barlow

Moses won his Canadian Championship in August 2001 with a Best Puppy in Show, New Brunswick Kennel Club and three Best Best Puppy in Groups at other shows. Moses has a total of 5 Best Puppy in Groups.

Moses won Winners Dog – 5 point Major at Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado Airedale Terrier Club of America Specialty Weekend – February 2002

BIS Ch Tartan Scottshire Ultra Glide – “Harley”

Harley is a multiple Best in Show Winner with Number 1 Airedale Terrier all systems ranking.

Breeder: Joan and Bill Clarke
Co-Breeders: E Forbes Gordon and Carol Scott
Owners: Linda Buonauro, R and M Mara, Carol Scott and E Forbes Gordon
Whelped: 10/28/98

Ch Serendipity Terrydale HK X-F Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Serendipity Rejoices EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Serendipitys Hosanna Ch Waggin-Aires Jonah
Ch Serendipitys Classy Babe
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Ch Tartan Skyy King O Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Tartan Southern Fancy
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss AmCan Ch Tartan Texas Ranger
Tartans Fancy of Tanworth

Am & Can Ch Penaire Belle Star – “Belle”

Belle pictured winning Best of Winners – 5 point Major
Colorado Kennel Club
Airedale Terrier Club of America Specialty Weekend
February 2002

Breeder: Joan & Bill Clarke

Owners: Anna and Craig Brinker, and Joan Clarke

Whelped: 1/16/01

Ch Reydale Prince of Thieves Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Star Bliss Minerva Eng Am Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Darbywoods Angel Fire Ch Bravo Star Buck
Ch Darbywoods Eye of the Tiger
Ch Penaire Dallas Star Ch Spindletops New Kid in Town Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady
Ch Terrydale Spindletop Layla EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Terrydales Lone Star Lady, CD
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Ch Tartan Skyy King O’Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss

Am & Can Ch Penaire Lonestar Cowgirl – “Naomi”

DOB: October 28, 1998 – present
Sex: Female
OFA: Good AT-3218G27F
AKC Reg. # RM25889501
Sire: Ch Serendipity Terrydale HK-XF RM17064009 OFA 32G
Dam: Am & Can Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina RM10952201 OFA 25G

Nicholas x Naomi, June 14, 2004
Nicholas x Naomi, July 5, 2005

Am & Can Ch Penaire’s Commodore
Am & Can Ch Penaire Regalridge Copper Penny
Am & Can Ch Regalridge Penaire Bronco Bill

Naomi – the only female in her litter of 8 and beautiful as her name (Naomi) denotes. A sister to Ch Tartan Scottshire Ultra Glide “Harley”,#1 Airedale All Systems, and Best In Show,Montgomery County 2002.

Naomi was Best Bred by Exhibitor at the ATCA National Specialty, at Sacramento in 2000 and owner handled to her championship. In 2001 she was #7 Airedale Bitch, Montgomery Award of Merit Winner, 2 Group Wins and Multiple Placements. In Canada she had 7 Group Wins and Multiple Placements.

She is the proud producer of 3 winning littermates: Sailor,Penny and Billy. Currently (2012) at 13 ½ she has taken over her mother Kristina’s spot on the couch in Nova Scotia watching movies with Sue and Naomi’s nephew, Moses (Am & Can Ch Penaire Prince of Egypt).

Ch Serendipity Terrydale HK X-F Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Serendipity Rejoices EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Serendipitys Hosanna Ch Waggin-Aires Jonah
Ch Serendipitys Classy Babe
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Ch Tartan Skyy King O Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Tartan Southern Fancy
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss AmCan Ch Tartan Texas Ranger
Tartans Fancy of Tanworth

New Champion, 2000

Best Bred By Exhibitor, ATCA Floater, Sacramento, April 2000, Judge Rhonda Davis

Group 1, April 2001, Judge Edd Bivin

Sparring at Montgomery 2001

Award of Merit, Montgomery 2002, Judge Merith Kipp

Ch Penaire’s Prince of the City – “Remy”

Breeder: Bill and Joan Clarke
Owners:  Anna and Craig Brinker
Whelped: 1/16/01



Ch Reydale Prince of Thieves Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Star Bliss Minerva Eng Am Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Darbywoods Angel Fire Ch Bravo Star Buck
Ch Darbywoods Eye of the Tiger
Ch Penaire Dallas Star Ch Spindletops New Kid in Town Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady
Ch Terrydale Spindletop Layla EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Terrydales Lone Star Lady, CD
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Ch Tartan Skyy King O’Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss

2005 Eukanuba National Championship
Judge: David Merriam

BIS Am & Can Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina – “Kristina”

Am & Can Champion Tartan Scottshire Kristina – “Kristina”

DOB: February 14, 1994 to December 12, 2003
Sex: Female
OFA: Good
AKC Reg. # RM10952201
Sire: Ch Tartan Skyy King Osottshire RM05003104
Dam: Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy RM03055802

Randy x Kristina May 13th 1997
Mulder x Kristina October 28th, 1998

Am & Can Ch. Penaire Dallas Star
Ch Penaire Texas Bluebonnet
Ch Tartan Scottshire Ultra Glide
Am & Can Ch Penaire’s Lonestar Cowgirl

Kristina was owner handled to her championship in 1996. As a special she ranked in the top ten for both 1996 and 1997. She had numerous group placements and a Group 1 under Harold Doerge that went on to Best In Show under Judge Betsy LeHam at the Cornhusker Kennel Club, November 1996.

At The Westminster Kennel Club,February,1997 she went Best Of Opposite Sex to her uncle Ch Tartan Scottshire Cowboy under Judge Anne Katona and handled by Doug Carlson.

Kristina retired in 1999 and moved to Nova Scotia where she enjoyed a life of leisure for five years – playing in the snow, basking in the summer sun and mentoring a Bearded Collie on how to become an “Airedale.” On her days off she watched movies with Sue on the couch!

Thanks you Forbes Gordon and Carol Scott for this wonderful foundation bitch for Penaire.
Kristina was also used in the AKC Children’s Book representing the Airedale Breed.

Ch Tartan Skyy King O’Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon ArgAm Ch Bravo Ironman of Santeric
Ch Coppercrest Peggy
Ch Finlair Isis Ch Bravo True Grit
Ch Bravo Bonanza Belle de AAA
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Tartan Southern Fancy Ch Tartans Chief of the Clan

Tartan Fancy Miss

Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon ArgAm Ch Bravo Ironman of Santeric
Ch Coppercrest Peggy
Ch Finlair Isis Ch Bravo True Grit
Ch Finlair


Ch Tartan Fancy Miss AmCan Ch Tartan Texas Ranger Ch Bravo True Grit
Ch Bryn Hafod Hey Penny
Tartans Fancy of Tanworth Ch Rudigan Robear
Dignity of Tanworth

Ch Penaire Texter Dixie Chick – “Dixie”

Breeder: Joan and Bill Clarke

Owner: Laura Post and Joan Clarke

Whelped: 1/19/00






Ch Briggsdale Squire McGee Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Briggsdale Kelley McGee Ch Regent Scottshire Jet Rink, CGC Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Scottshire Luluzontheloose
BriggsdaleMiss Maggie McGee Ch Briggsdale Gaucho Grande, CD
StoneRidge Sugar and Spice
Ch Penaire Texas Bluebonnet Ch Spindletops New Kid in Town Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady
Ch Terrydale Spindletop Layla EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Terrydales Lone Star Lady, CD
Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Ch Tartan Skyy King O’Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss

Ch Penaire Texas Bluebonnet – “Missy”

Breeder: Joan Clarke
Co-Breeders: E Forbes Gordon and Carol Scott
Owners: Bill and Joan Clarke
Whelped: 5/13/97

Ch Spindletops New Kid in Town Ch Terrydales Int’L Affair Ch Brislines Lady’s Man Ch Sunnydales Doc Holiday
Ch Brislines Inspiration
Ch Terrydales Adorable Lady Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
Ch Terrydale Spindletop Layla EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus Eng Ch Stargus Sea King
Florac Bruichladdich
Ch Terrydales Lone Star Lady, CD Ch Finlair Tiger of Stone Ridge
Ch Briardale Luvs Elegant Lady
AmCan Ch Tartan Scottshire Kristina Tartan Skyy King O’Scottshire Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Tartan Queen Victoria O Scot EngAm Ch Florac King of Scots at Stargus
Ch Tartan Southern Fancy
Ch Tartan Kris’ Miss Fancy Finlair Scottshire Maui Kris Ch Fonaire Iron Ancistrodon
Ch Finlair Isis
Ch Tartan Fancy Miss AmCan Ch Tartan Texas Ranger
Tartans Fancy of Tanworth